biophilic design

Design of a Semi D house with an insertion of a landscaped stair court along party wall. Always love to bring natural light and greenery into the space. Many simply deemed this kind of design approach as ” trendy ”, while it is actually part of the ” biophilic design ” strategy.

Biophilia is defined as the inherent human inclination to affiliate with nature. Natural light, vegetation and nature views often provide a positive impact psychologically. It is a call that many didn't really aware until experience..

proposed landscaped court for JK House

proposed landscaped court for JK House

landscape court ( source from pinterest)

landscape court ( source from pinterest)

About Room

While it is easy to understand that in Singapore Context, most owner would like to build as much square feet as possible because of the high land cost, but there is this myth about obsession of number of rooms and baths that I find hard to comprehend.

It is very common that the first question that a client ask is ‘How much area I can build’. But I noticed there are many clients tend to ask what the maximum number rooms that they can build ? I always asked them back ‘how many room you ‘need’?

Very often, the client will tell you they need only X number of rooms, but they will like to have more rooms so the house is more ‘saleable’ in future. I wonder is there real value in property market sense on the numbers of rooms & baths or simply it is a ‘make believe ‘ phenomenon ( similar to those phenomenon where everyone tend to rush to a long queue believing there must be something valuable that drawn crowds )…

I think there is this fundamental ‘gap’ between architects and some house owner in opinion towards value and concept of ‘space and room’. The room is basically space that defined by walls. While many fancy ‘room’ , most architect has this urge to remove walls, in order to achieve space we deems as ‘extendable, flexible and even boundless’. Architect always put great effort to make building element ‘disappears’, or at least seemed disappears. The best detailing We ( or I) believed is always those so well integrated, so well concealed that you never aware their presence. One of the many beauty we ( or I ) worship is the beauty of ‘Absence’.

The discussion with the client will often need to go beyond the discussion on ‘walls’, often it even involve rethinking of individual’s values and outlook on life . It is not easy to convince someone to believe in why they need to spend millions to make thing ‘disappears ‘. lets be frank , Instead very few actually agree the concept of ‘Less is more’.

In practical sense, I will always advise the client to build on the numbers of rooms that they ‘need’, but with the flexible space / provision that is convertible for future. For it is really doesn’t make much sense where you can have nice spacious communal space, but you choose to compromise that with few additional rooms which you will not need in near future or even just exist for your future buyer...

In city state like Singapore. Family are getting smaller and smaller, 80-90% of the kids will eventually leaving and form their own family. We see too often, almost all 2nd hand house owner will go through their own renovation to tailor the space to suit their own life style & need, where most of them involve tearing down walls for more quality spaces. So this ‘buyer like more rooms and instead buyer bought over the house to tear down ‘circle is really super duper excessive and unsustainable.


和很多屋主接触的经验是,很多屋主都有一种对房子的总面积的迷思-就是越大越好. 的确,在寸土如寸金的城市,平方尺就等于$.

这个时候,作为一个建筑师,我就会和屋主开始传递一些很‘玄’的概念, 比如- 大空间,不等同于好空间。 举个例子,礼堂够大吧,可是你大概不会想你的家感觉像个礼堂。其实,具体来讲, 好的设计不一定是最大,或最高的, 可是肯定是最恰到好处的。毕竟,人会舍得花钱买Armani从来不是因为布料够大块。我想, 很多时候,人,对美的追求·和欣赏是很难单纯用数字来言喻的。

当然,我也不鼓吹建筑师就随心所欲,拿着屋主的钱追求自己虚幻的美感,我个人觉得这是一种很不负责任和傲慢的态度。毕竟屋主才是会在这个房子居住和生活的人。所以,建筑师最重要和必要的特质就是愿意聆听屋主的需求,然后用设计协助他们在 economic and beauty 之间找到平衡。

曾经,一位我很敬仰的前辈告诉我, a good architect must have a good sense of economic. 所以当一个客户告诉我,先不需要考虑budget ,不要让它框住你的想象力的时候。我会告诉他,不是的, budget 其实是更像一条公路旁的防护栏, 它让你可以专注,把精力往一个明确的方向精益求精。防护栏不只预防你把资源和时间浪费在东张西望的逛花园,也避免你因为精神不集中而分分钟‘坠崖’。

建筑设计 从来不是天马行空的艺术,它是各种理性和逻辑性的思考和斟酌, 再一步步发展出最适合的设计方案。